
From fiber to ready-to-wear: For more than 30 years, we have been advising companies along the entire textile chain, supporting them with our accumulated industry experience in the search process, and making use of our extensive contacts.

Well woven: Our expertise in the textile industry

Our experience encompasses all textile production processes and includes the areas of fiber production, spinning, weaving, weft knitting, warp knitting, non-woven, refinement, and finishing up to ready-to-wear. We are at home in the markets of diverse applications, from home and household textiles to contract textiles / sun protection, technical textiles, outdoor and functional textiles, and clothing / PPE – to name just a few.

Over the years, the textile industry has become our core industry, in which we now have an incredibly close-knit and valuable network of contacts, and which has given us access to other industries, such as in the areas of mobility, construction, and medicine or hygiene.

Objekttextil / Sonnenschutz
Technisches Textil
Outdoor- / Funktionstextil
Bekleidung / PSA
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